Date: Thu, 24 Mar 94 04:30:07 PST From: Advanced Amateur Radio Networking Group Errors-To: TCP-Group-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: TCP-Group@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: TCP-Group Digest V94 #73 To: tcp-group-digest TCP-Group Digest Thu, 24 Mar 94 Volume 94 : Issue 73 Today's Topics: 44 Europe Routes 6Does exist Net that support Appletalk? GUI Interface help Mother-Board Problems Net that support LoAppleltalk path calculation and antennas design (3 msgs) RSPF - Still a crasher!?? subscribe Send Replies or notes for publication to: . Subscription requests to . Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the TCP-Group Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 22 Mar 94 15:12:27 UTC From: Subject: 44 Europe Routes To: I trace the route from my site ( to some Europe Gateway and i have seen that: If i ask using the 44.... address then the packets goes to and there goes to the Europe Gateway. If i ask (to same gateway) using the Internet address then the packets goes directly to that gateway. So i ask this: i have a gateway Packet Radio-Internet and the side route of Internet ( it's route ok. But the Ip Radio not, when my packet (trying connect to arrive to then the route lost. What must i do to solve the route throght Internet using the address ( Thank a lot 73's. Curro e-mail : if you ve problems try : Mailbox AX25 : eb3aod @ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Mar 94 12:30 CST From: (Eduardo Millar) Subject: 6Does exist Net that support Appletalk? To: pcip@nihlist.bitnet Hello: I will repeat a question I have allready ask. Anyone know a version of NET (KA9Q for PCs) that support Appleltalk??? Eduardo Millar C Proyecto Enlaces ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Mar 1994 7:36:22 +0930 (CST) From: Subject: GUI Interface To: I am trying ti interface MS Windows/Windows for Workgroups with KA9Q Version of NOS. Has anybody already tried this before. Any assistance with this project will be much appreciated. Thanks Roy û ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 20 Mar 1994 20:15:37 -0600 (CST) From: UMFISCHER@MSUVX1.MEMST.EDU Subject: help To: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 20 Mar 1994 20:14:03 -0700 (MST) From: LARSEN KARL AMSRL-SL-EC 505-678-3145 Subject: To: I have tried to make compiles of jnos110 and jnos110a using what appears to be an identical makefile and to no-ones surprise both have the same problem. klarsen No matter what I put in the top of the file for the the type of CPU I wanted to compile for I got a compile for a 88386 only! I have a 8086 XT to rest with and these I compiled for the 8086 will not run except on a 80386 or better computer. I'm not good at reading make files of complex programs like nos. Does anyone have a fix for this problem? 73, de Karl K5DI@K5DI.NM.USA.NA and ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 19 Mar 1994 18:44:25 -0700 (MST) From: Klarsen Subject: Mother-Board Problems To: You Buy a new 486DX-66 motherboard at a good price and install it on Saturday (even so you made the guys work Saturday to get a report out) and one of the guys is a very pretty Lady so you could stay home and install the board. But trouble lurkes! With the new board my mouse on com1 woud-not work ( you really NEED a mouse for windows).... Well this $350.00 mother would not work. So after 4 long-distants phone calls I put the old 386-25 back in and all is well. So things are back almost to normal. I have got all my things worked out with the OLD 386-25 mother board and can't wait to break the darn bad board over the guys head! I have wasted a WHOLE SATURDAY with this 73 de ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Mar 94 12:20 CST From: (Eduardo Millar) Subject: Net that support LoAppleltalk To: Anyone know a version of Net(for Pcs) thet support Appleltalk. I am using the Nosview version. This version can not atach to appleltalk. I would like to attach my pc to localtalk using net TCP/IP. If somebody could help me, please send mail to me. Eduardo Millar Proyecto Enlaces e-mail:enlaCES.UFRO.CL ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Mar 94 13:12 CST From: (Eduardo Millar) Subject: Path calculation and antennas design To: Hello: I am looking for information or software about path calculation or 6and antennas design. If anyone clould help me please send me mail to eduardo millar ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Mar 94 13:05 CST From: (Eduardo Millar) Subject: path calculation and antennas design To: Hello: If anynoe know software or bokks about path calculation and antennas design. please send me the information? Eduardo Millar C ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Mar 94 10:01:53 MST From: Dieter Deyke Subject: path calculation and antennas design To: > Hello: If anynoe know software or bokks about path calculation and antennas design. please > send me the information? The WAMPES package on contains the program qth, which will do some path calculations. -- Dieter Deyke - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Mar 94 00:54:28 EDT From: "Bob A. Cash" Subject: RSPF - Still a crasher!?? To: Hello from West Michigan, Well after failing with RSPF a few years back with early versions of G1EMM, pA0GRI and so on, I thought by now RSPF would no longer be a major NOS crasher.. RSPF is so nice and we all want to implement it here on the West Michigan TCP/IP 2-meter LAN, but any time it get's compiled in suddenly all goes down.. Take RSPF out and NOS will run on any compile of 8086 up to 80386 for days.. Put RSPF in, and within minutes CRASH! RSPF does not have to be setup in an AUTOEXEC, it is still lingering in memory waiting to lock every thing up rather it is configured or not. So... What should we do? Any one play with a stable RSPF version of JNOS to know what we might do? Also I see that in Johan's latest CONFIG.H files that he has RSPF defined, so that might be a reason for any lockups in his release .EXE's -Bob, N8iMO ___________________________________________________________ | | | | Bob A. Cash (N8IMO) | Roger B. Chaffee Planetarium | | O-5101 Kenowa, | & WZZM TV-13 (abc) | | Grandville, Mi. 49418 |________________________________| | (616)530-9466 ((GRIP) TCP/IP) PBBS 147.560 | |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -| | Internet: | | Packet Radio: | |___________________________________________________________| ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Mar 1994 18:11:20 +0200 From: Leonardo Cipollini (+39-2-269131) Subject: subscribe To: Leonardo Cipollini ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Mar 94 18:49:08 EST From: uunet!!hart (Rod Hart) To: wb3ffv!tcp-group I have been toying with the idea of purchasing a DSP tnc. I am aware of the AEA tnc and the DSP-12 that is advertised in the Amsat membership magazine. Are they worth the price? Which one is the most open design? Is DSP worth pursuing for the casual ham? Anyother hints or bit of advise would be appreciated. Rod Hart wa3mez hart@wb3ffv | ------------------------------ End of TCP-Group Digest V94 #73 ******************************